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Artificial Intelligence in Industry 5.0

Issue Abstract

As entirely new age of intelligent production and productivity has begun as a result of the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Industry 5.0. As an extension of Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 aims to bridge the divide between technology and human- centricity by fusing the productivity of automation and digitalization with the creativity and problem -solving skills of people. AI and Industry 5.0 have several roles such as data analysis and insight, supply chain optimization, Quality Control and Inspection etc.…. AI and Industry 5.0 also have several impacts in the industries such as Economic Growth and Competitiveness, Enhanced Safety and Security, Data- Driven Decision Making etc… Some of the challenges faced by AI and Industry 5.0 are Data security, Workforce adaptation, Regulation and policy. We can conclude that, Industry 5.0 and AI enable firms to grow in agility, innovation, and customer focus while establishing a harmonious interaction between technological potential and human potential.
Key Words: Data analysis and insight, Safety and Security, Digitalization, Data-Driven Decision Making.

Author Information
Dr. P. Pavithra
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages