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A Study on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Online Customer Satisfaction

Issue Abstract

The study's objectives are to automate the purchasing process and provide tailored recommendations, artificial intelligence has simplified the communication between online retailers and their customers. AI has been instrumental in modernizing the retail industry. The different advantages that customers have noticed when buying with AI-enabled online shops are compiled in this article. To ascertain how AI is changing online businesses and how it affects customer satisfaction, we sampled 334 online shoppers. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the data. and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Customer satisfaction with AI-enabled online retailers was found to be positively impacted by chatbots, personalised shopping experiences, instant interaction, and AI-based product recommendations.
Keywords: Online Retailing, Product Recommendations, Automation, Artificial Intelligence,

Author Information
Mr. S.Arun Logesh
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 May 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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