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Impact of Green HRM Practices and Employees Performance – An Empirical Study of Chemical Industries in Chengalpattu Region

Issue Abstract

This study aims to examine the significance of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) in the business context. GHRM is increasingly recognized as a pivotal element contributing to enhanced profitability and the reduction of corporate resource wastage through adherence to ecological principles. The initiatives undertaken within the realm of human resources form a broader spectrum of corporate social responsibility, positioning GHRM as an integral aspect of sustainable business practices. This research underscores the vital role played by GHRM in industries, acting as a catalyst for addressing and promoting environmental issues within the organizational framework. The results add to the increasing amount of information about companies' environmental responsibilities and the strategic role GHRM plays in encouraging a more sustainable and ethical corporate environment.
Keywords: Green, Human Resource Management, Green HRM, Environment, Practices, Responsibility.

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Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2024
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Issue References

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