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“A Study on Recent Trends in Digital Banking, UPI ATM”

Issue Abstract

The study on recent trends in Digital Banking UPI ATM card-less cash withdrawal. The purpose of this study is also to observe and analyses the purpose of using Digital Banking in UPI ATM, reason for choosing digital banking services. We collect data from primary and secondary data collection method. Many people use online banking service. In India nearly 300 million consumer are estimated to use digital banking regularly had to highest number of digital banking users or other than other country. Now in this article we discussed about digital banking it’s one of the recent trend in banking sectors in India.
Key Words: UPI :- Unified Payment Interface ATM :- Automatic Teller Machine QR Code :- Quick Response Code
NPCI :- National Payments Corporation of India ICCW :- Interoperable Card-less Cash Withdrawal

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

 Samir Mansuri, Akansha Bansal, Nitin Vankar, MBA students and Chintan Prajapati, Assistant Professor. A Study on Customer Satisfaction for digital Banking Services of India Banks (IJCRT) Vol: 19, ISSN 2320-2882.
 UPI-ATM Launch the future of Card-less withdrawal with help of Google.