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Tourism in the Digital ERA

Issue Abstract

Digital innovation in the contemporary era of global capitalism has successfully changed the ecosystem of many industries. Tourism industry is one of the industries in which digitalisation has left no stone unturned. With increased digitalisation, literally in every field of life, the travel experience has a complete radical shift from what it was a few decades ago. Technological inventions and innovations have made travel affordable, accessible and convenient. Different age group of people with different tastes and preference are feeling more satisfied today with digital tourism like never before. Indians also are not lagging behind in utilizing the digital platform to enhance their travel experience. This paper will study the recent developments made in the tourism sector using the digital platform and with the help of secondary data will try to show the growth of use of the digital platform across the globe.
Keywords: Digitalisation, tourism, travellers, internet, online websites.

Author Information
Tanaya Majumder
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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