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A Study on the Challenges Faced by Traditional Retail Grocery Store as A Consequence of online Grocery Shopping

Issue Abstract

Indian retail industry is at a budding stage as India is emerging as most attractive market
& experiencing drastic changes. Retail industry in India has developed surprisingly in recent years. It has now become one of the leading sector in application of innovations and self-service technologies, though it has its own advantages and disadvantages. In India food & grocery retail sector is the major contributor for GDP and generating employment. It constitutes 66% of the total revenue in the Indian retail sector-organized & unorganized. Technological advancements creates new ways of buying, selling through internet. Indian consumers have transformed today. The shopping pattern has shifted from traditional to online due to technological advancement, higher income, changing lifestyle, exposure to shopping culture etc. Due to entry of internet online grocery stores are replacing the physical grocery store. The purpose of this paper is to identify the barriers faced by retail grocery store as a result of entry of shopping groceries online. This is an empirical study which aims to understand and gain insights into the challenges, problems faced by traditional offline/ physical grocery stores and provide suggestions.
Key words: Online Food retail stores, Physical retail stores, Implication, Challenges & opportunities’.

Author Information
Sheetal N Acharya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2019
Issue Pages