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The Candor and Probity of Employer Branding Strategies and Statutory Compliance of H.R Policies in Maintaining Delighted Employees at Flipkart - A Case Study

Issue Abstract

The employee welfare is one of the prime functions of HR Department. Employee welfare shall take care of the health, safety, and retirement benefits of the employees as per the various statutory labor legislations in India. The delighted employees will be the asset of the company. Statutory Compliances of HR policy is a must to maintain a decent branding among the competing companies to attract and retain the talented employees. There are various statutory acts defined for the benefit of employees like factories act, 1948 (Safety, Health and Sanitary facilities), the employees’ provident funds and miscellaneous provisions act, 1952 (Provident fund take care of family retirement benefits), OHSAS 18000 – Occupational Health and Safety Management (to take care of Health, Pollution, Hospital facilities).A company compiling with such acts will get benefited by high morale of the workers with high productivity. The company should have good employers and HR mangers to make the firm compliance with all statutory requirements. The case study is presented to indicate how the company Flipkart built its brand value in maintaining delighted employees by adopting all the statutory requirements.
Index terms: Employer Brand, Delighted Employees, Statutory Compliance, High productivity

Author Information
Puttu Guru Prasad
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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