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Perception of Youth towards Entrepreneurship with special reference to College Students in Chennai

Issue Abstract

The intention of contemporary government of India is to bring the societal interest towards entrepreneurship to enhance economic progress. The attempt was put forth by initiating many schemes to flourish entrepreneurial development, especially towards youth as they are the most receptive society group. The RBI has taken steps to help improve the ease of doing business in the country and contribute to an ecosystem that is conducive for the growth of start-up businesses. "Industry-Academia Partnership and Incubation", the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development has aimed to provide students with access to funds and mentorship for startups. At this juncture, the research aims to focus on entrepreneurship education training accessible to college students and to bring about the influential level of them. A survey has been conducted among college students and secondary data were also analyzed. The present study focuses on the behaviour pattern of students in grasping entrepreneurship awareness. It is expected that the report would portray some of the student‟s expectations and attritions towards entrepreneurial development.
Key words: Start-ups, entrepreneurship education, mentorship and training

Author Information
K. Muthulakshmi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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