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Mergers and Acquisitions - A Major Prospect for Business Sustainability

Issue Abstract

Mergers and Acquisitions have emerged as a major force for developing financial and economic environment due to increased market competition both in national and international market, excessive interdependence of companies for different products and services etc. The entire business world is looking forward towards sustainable growth and development. Sustainability issues are gaining ground in terms of business transactions due to the combined efforts of the merged business undertakings. The primary objective for this research paper is to evaluate the impact of mergers and acquisition of the companies sector wise and to identify the factors affecting mergers and acquisition of companies in current scenario. For this purpose, researcher has analyzed the mergers and acquisitions in five different sectors by allowing for both pre and post business position of the amalgamated companies. Records are basically collected from secondary sources and compiled for an effective presentation.
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisition, Sustainability, Earnings per Share, Price Earnings Ratio, Return on Asset, Return on Equity

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Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2019
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Issue References

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