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Village tourism in Nepal A case study of upardang Gadi, Chit Wan District Nepal

Issue Abstract


Nepal is a land secured nation in the lap of Himalyans

Author Information
S. Rajasri
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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2. AoKfma tthhraemn V aHnildl aaugn,e ds tu oHnulairgiirshumtl Np puirzboalgmicraa Itmisom’ naas is.l h (o2r0t0 t3e)r,m ‘A rnes easasrecshs mgreanntt , oRfe tsheea rscohc mioa-encaogneommenict icmenptarcet,

 3. Bnahitvahenmrdsaaitnryid , tuKe.c .hRn (o2lo01g1y )M, ‘taolauyrsiisam. policies and priorities’, Research, planning & monitoring, 5

4.. BBsthheraalttitinaag r aApi u.KbS. l ic(2(a10t9i0o80n

5 ‘T‘Eonuvriisrmon mDeenvte loimpmpaecntt opfr intociuprlies ma ndas ptrhacet icmeso’u, nintadinias neecwo syDsteelmhi,’ 

6. CiHnBtineSrd nu(a 2tKi0ou1ns1ah)l, Hw‘piomorpkal uaslyahatoinopsn . once nthseu sm Ranepagoermt’ e(n2t0 1o1f ),n amtioajnoarl hpiagrhkl iagnhdts pCroetnetcrta la rBeausr eianu thoef