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Oscillation of Some Nonlinear Third-Order Difference Equation

Issue Abstract

In this chapter we would like to present some elements of qualitative theory of difference equations.

Author Information
N. Tripura
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Balla.K. On asymptotic behaviour of solutions to some difference equations, Advances in difference equations ( Veszprem, 1995), 67-69, Gordon and Breach, Amesterdam,1997.
2. Chuanxi.Q., Kuruklis, S. A. and Ladas, G., Oscillations of systems of difference equations with variable coefficients, J. Math. Phy. Svi. 25, No. 1(1991), 1-12.
3. Drozdowicz, A and Ponpenda, J., Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of difference equations of second order, J. Comp. and Appl. Math. 47(1993), 141-149.