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BODIPY Based phand selected metal ions sensors

Issue Abstract

Despite the fact that development of many pH indicators with different groups is quite challenging, many works have been take place. pH factor have a drastic influence on human beings. It has wide applications like biological imaging and environmental monitoring,so it is necessary to measure pH. Many pH indicators have been developed and synthesized based on water soluble BODIPY modified with various groups such as aldehydes, nitro, hydrazine, amines,Schiff bases,hydroxyl aryl etc. Herein, we are presenting numbers pH sensors for the detection of various H+ as well as OH- in living one which can measure pH in different states and combinations such as hypochlorite detection, Hg2+ and HSO4- in aqueous media, nitric oxide and detection of pH in the real water samples. The pH sensors can also be used to measure pH in highly acidic conditions .These compounds show interesting properties such as spectral, optical, absorption and photo-physical properties and have high sensitivity and selectivity. Keywords: pH in different states and combinations such as hypochlorite detection

Author Information
Sakshi Juneja
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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