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Data Driven Approach for Eye Disease Classification with Machine Learning

Issue Abstract

Medical health systems have been concentrating on artificial intelligence techniques for speedy diagnosis. However, the recording of health data in a standard form still requires attention so that machine learning can be more accurate and reliable by considering multiple parameters. The aim of this study is to develop a general framework for recording diagnostic data in an international standard format to facilitate auto-prediction of eye diseases. Efforts were made to ensure error-free data entry by developing a user-friendly interface. Furthermore, different machine learning algorithms were used to analyze patient data based on multiple parameters, including age, illness history, and clinical observations. This data was formatted according to structured hierarchies designed by medical experts, whereas diagnosis was made as per the ICD-10 coding developed by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Furthermore, the system is designed to evolve through self-learning by adding new classifications for both diagnosis and symptoms. The classification results from tree-based methods demonstrated that the proposed framework performs satisfactorily given a sufficient amount of data. The random forest and decision tree algorithms predicted more accurately as compared to neural networks and the naïve Bayes algorithm owing to structured data arrangement.

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2024
Issue Pages