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Quantum Computing : The Next Era of Computing

Issue Abstract

Quantum computing is a Quantum Mechanism based computational framework, which has acquired a lot of interest in the early few decades. In contrast with the conventional computers, it has obtained an enhanced performance on various tasks. The study of Quantum Computers is Quantum Computing. Annealing, Entanglement, Tunneling and Superposition are some of the phenomena of Quantum mechanics used in Quantum computers to give the solutions to the problems which were unable to solve by human in their lifetime. The main objective of this paper is to reveal a brief idea about what is occurring in the Quantum Computing field and also the current state. In addition, the features of Quantum computing like Quantum parallelism, reverse computing and qubit computation is also summarized. The article also reveals the cause of great computing capabilities of Quantum computers in view of utilization of quantum entangled state. Based on the review concludes that the research on quantum computers requires the advanced sciences like Mathematics, Micro-Physics and Computer Technology.
Key Words: Quantum Computers, Quantum computing, Quantum Parallelism, Entanglement, Qubit.

Author Information
Dr. S. Babu
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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