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A System for Monitoring Medical Care based on the IOT and Sensors

Issue Abstract

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, medical care has become very important in many countries these days. IoT-based health monitoring systems are thus the ideal answer for such an epidemic from this perspective. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a recent internet revolution and a burgeoning field of study, particularly in the field of medicine. With the growing use of wearable sensors and smartphones, this remote healthcare monitoring has evolved at such a pace. IoT health monitoring helps doctors correctly diagnose health conditions, not only to prevent the spread of diseases, even when they are out of reach. In this paper, we present a portable physiological monitoring system that can continuously monitor heart rate, temperature, and other basic parameters of a patient's room. Designed a continuous monitoring and control device that uses remote communication based on Wi-Fi module to display patient status and store patient information on the server. A remote health monitoring system built with the Internet of Things is intended to give authorized users access to the data using any IoT platform. Based on the received data, clinicians can remotely manage your health. Diagnose the disease. Oxygen impairment can occur at different stages of Covid-19 and is not limited to critically ill patients. In fact, a phenomenon called "happy hypoxia" has been observed clinically in patients with COVID-19 who have very low oxygen levels but otherwise appear to be fine. A pulse oximeter, usually a small device that you slip on your fingertip or rub against your earlobe, uses refraction of infrared light to measure the amount of oxygen bound to red blood cells. The proposed system monitors SPO2 levels to track Covid-19 symptoms.
Index Terms— IoT, Wi-Fi, Oxygen, SPO2, ear-lobe, hypoxia.

Author Information
Vijay M
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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