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Predicting Crime Rate using Machine Learning

Issue Abstract

Crime is one of our society's most serious and pervasive problems, and preventing it is a critical duty. This necessitates keeping note of all offences and creating a database for future reference. The present issue is keeping a reliable crime record and analyzing this data to aid in the prediction and resolution of future crimes. The objective of this study is to analyze dataset, which consist of numerous crimes and predicting the type of crime, which may happen in future depending upon various conditions. In this work, we will be using the technique of machine learning and data science for crime prediction of Indian crime data set. Crime rate prediction is a methodical way to spotting crime. This algorithm can anticipate and depict crime-prone areas. Using the notion of machine learning, we may extract previously unknown, meaningful information from unstructured data. The extraction of new information is anticipated using current datasets. Crime is a perilous and widespread societal issue that affects people all around the world. Crime has an impact on people's quality of life, economic prosperity, and the nation's reputation. To safeguard their communities from crime, modern technology and novel techniques to enhancing crime analytics are required. We present a system that can analyse, identify, and predict various crime probabilities in a given location. This paper describes many sorts of criminal analysis and crime rate prediction using machine learning approaches.

Author Information
Dr. V Sowmeya
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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