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Impact on GST in India of Common Man

Issue Abstract

GST is one of the most crucial tax reforms in India which has been long pending. It was supposed to be implemented from April 2010, but due to political issues and conflicting interests of various stakeholders it is still pending. Goods and Service Tax is a comprehensive tax levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and
services. GST is termed as biggest tax reform In Indian Tax Structure. It will not be an additional tax, it will include central excise duty, service tax additional duties of customers at the central level, VAT, central sales tax, entertainment tax, octroi, state surcharge, luxury tax, lottery tax and other surcharge on supply of goods and services. The purpose of GST is to replace all these taxes with single comprehensive tax, bringing it all under single umbrella. The purpose is to eliminate tax on tax. This paper presents an overview of GST concept, explains its features along with its timeline of implementation in India. The paper is more focused Impact of GST and challenges faced by India in execution.
Keywords: Indian Tax Structure, Indirect tax, Goods and Service Tax (GST), Indian economy, Common Man.

Author Information
G. Jagannathan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


1) Dr. R. Vasanthagopal (2011), “GST in India: A Big Leap in the Indirect Taxation System”, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2011.
2) AgogoMawuli (2014): “Goods and Service Tax- An Appraisal”Paper presented at the the PNG Taxation Research and Review Symposium, Holiday Inn, Port Moresby,29-30.
3) Pinki, Supriya Kamna, RichaVerma(2014), “Good and Service Tax – Panacea For Indirect Tax System In India”, “Tactful Management Research Journal”,Vol2, Issue 10, July2014
4) Dr. P Vijayaraghavan1 and Mr. Muhammed Unais (April 2017) Studied “Impact of GST on Indian Economy.