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A Study on the Application of Technology in Business of the Women Entrepreneurs

Issue Abstract

As technology speeds up lives, all women entrepreneurs are connected together in social media and they have communicated all their business related matters through a mobile phone, whatsapp, facebook, hike etc., even they are promoting, advertising their products through social networks. The study focused on the difficulties faced by the women entrepreneurs in different stages of their business. This study further analyzed the technology and their usage for the development of women entrepreneurs business. Women entrepreneurs are facing lot of difficulties
in the business. To overcome the problems they have to be confident, have a clear cut goal to their business, get awareness from various banks, government and non-government organization and approach them for financial or other training purpose is really a good thing to come out of difficulties. Majority of the women entrepreneurs
are believed that websites, online services, and mobile phone applications are useful for business purpose.

Author Information
Dr. S. Yuvaraj
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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