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A Study on Customer Attitude Towards Pandian Grama Bank in Madurai

Issue Abstract

PANDIAN GRAMA BANK sponsored by Indian Overseas Bank, first of its kind in Tamilnadu, was established as 43rd Regional Rural Bank on 9th March 1977 with Headquarters at Sattur, having Ramanathapuram (undivided) and Tirunelveli (undivided) districts as its area of operation. Central Government, State Government and Indian Overseas Bank are the joint owners, having pooled the capital of Rs.25 lakhs in the ratio of 50:15:35. Pandian Grama Bank is a scheduled Commercial public sector bank, right from its inception. It enjoys all the privileges extended to other nationalized banks by Reserve Bank of India and renders all kinds of services provided by a Commercial Bank, with an eye on the upliftment of small farmers, marginal farmers, agricultural labourers and rural artisans in agriculture, trade and commerce. Nearly twelve years have elapsed, since the establishment of Regional Rural Bank at Sattur in Tamilnadu. . A bank cannot exist without its customer.  A customer is not dependent on the bank but the bank is dependent on the customer. A customer is not an outsider. He is part of the bank. A bank is not doing a favour by serving its customer. Increases in the variety and volume of business of bank he is directly dependent on the bank. This in turn is reflected from the services provided. Customer expectations from the bank have gone up and a decline in customer service will adversely affect the business of the bank. The rates of commission vary from bank to bank as also among different branches of the same bank. Banks are now entering a new phase of development, shifting the emphasis towards improvement into the quality of customer service in rural areas and there by achieving operational efficiency and profitability. Hence the attempt is made to analyse the customers attitude towards Pandiyan Grama Banks in Madurai. It is found that Pandian Grama Bank offers valuable services by its pioneering work in Madurai. The management is taking all the steps to satisfy their customers. It is found that they are regularly trying to improve their efficiency in providing services, adding more and more services and facilities with Technological development.
Keywords: Customer Service, Operational efficiency, Regional Rural bank

Author Information
S. Renugadevi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


1) E.Gordon and Natarajan; „Banking theory,Law and practice‟, Mumbai, Himalaya publishing house, 2000.
2) R. Parameswaran, S.Natarajan, „Indian Banking‟, S.Chand and company Ltd, 2001.
3) Vasant Desai, Himalaya publishing house, „principles of Bank management, principle of planning and programming‟ 1993.
4) Parameswaran, s. Natrajan, S. Chand and company Ltd, „Indian Banking‟ 2001.
5) S.M.Sundaram „Banking‟ Himalaya Publishing House.1998.