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Service Quality Perceptions of Bharat LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Users in Mettur Down

Issue Abstract

Bharath Gas is a clean and portable fuel. It provides heat and power in remote areas as well as in densely populated urban areas. The Bharath gas company reforms have deregulated the market to a great extent. It has become necessary to design and execute the best customer oriented practices and to internalize them for providing enhanced satisfaction to the customer through the employees. Customers’ service is not merely the compliance with the government’s policies or the mechanical adherence to the time frame of services. It is a philosophy and an attitude of professional commitment, which believes in the ultimate satisfaction or each customer ‘wants’. Service marketers have really understood that competition can be well managed by differentiating through quality. Significance of service lies in customer service management. In this the completive
environment, service quality has become the success mantra in all service sector. Keeping this in mind, this study has been conducted at mettur down to identify the service Quality perceptions of Bharath gas. The result indicates that customers are agreed with the service provided by the Bharath gas.
Keywords: Services, Perception, Quality, LPG

Author Information
Dr. C. Mugunthan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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