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Role of E-CRM in Online Shopping

Issue Abstract

One of the key developments in marketing has been the advent of electronic customer relationship management (e-CRM) systems, designed primarily to create and manage long lasting customer relationships. To remain competitive in this internet based environment it is imperative to attract new customers and increase customer’s retention and to achieve these objectives it is crucial to implement e-CRM. The study was aimed to identify the effect of e-CRM strategies on customer satisfaction in context of online shopping. This study is based on 150 respondents and analysis confirms the conceptual model that convenience, trust and security have significant
effect on customer satisfaction. This study enables managers and marketers to implement the e-CRM in the best shape and match it with current needs and requirements of consumers. The conclusions suggest that if organizations want to get the most from their e-CRM implementations they need to revisit the general principles of usability and resistance which should be applied thoroughly and consistently.
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Electronic Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM); e-Commerce; Customer satisfaction

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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