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Quality of Work-Life of Women Employees in Information Technology Industry

Issue Abstract

The focus of this paper concerns a study of the quality of life for the employees at work in the Information Technology companies. The quality of work life (QWL) is a wide term covering an immense variety of programme, Techniques, theories and the management style through which organization and jobs are designed so as grant
employees more responsibility and authority than is usually done. A high quality of work life is essential for the organization to continue, to attract and retain employees. The aim of this paper is to determine the factors affecting quality of work life of the employees in the Information Technology (IT) companies and to study the relationship between the satisfaction and performance level with the quality of work life (QWL). In the present study the investigator has chosen the Information Technology (IT) companies in and around of Chennai, based on the questionnaire with the employees in the organization, a pilot study was conducted in the total sample (N=30 ). The factor contribute to quality of work life includes Work relate pressure, Leadership, Management Policies,
Job security, Inter- personal relation.
Keywords: Quality of Work Life, Work Relate Pressure, Leadership, Job Security.

Author Information
Dr. E.K. Sivasakthivel
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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