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Impact of Financial Inclusion on the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women of Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Issue Abstract

Lack of access to productive resources, lack of skills due to lower levels of literacy and formal education, lack of access to labour as a result of norms of gender hierarchy and separation and lack of access to markets along with heavy dependence on informal sector lending, left the poor especially the women folk at a disadvantage.
The provision of sustainable access to financial services, now known as Financial inclusion for women therefore, became the centre of attention of governments, social partners, civil society organizations, international donors. that led to the innovation of microfinance mechanisms. The present study is an attempt to assess the Impact quality, efficacy, and value of Microfinance programme, as it is currently carried out, to monitor the ongoing process and to examine to what extent Microfinance has led to Saving Mentality in rural women of Kerala and Tamil Nadu leading to economic upliftment and empowerment.
Keywords: Financial inclusion, Economic Empowerment, Rural women, Kerala, Tamil Nadu

Author Information
Dr Sneha Gopeekrishna
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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