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Capital Structure of Financially Distressed Companies A Study on SLPE’s Working Under Chemical Sector in Kerala

Issue Abstract

Financial distress is a situation where a company is not able to meet or face difficulty to pay off its financial obligations. According to RBI’s definition negative working capital, cash loss and negative net worth are the factors influencing Distresses. There are lots of causes of corporate failure which includes Profitability, Liquidity and solvency complications. Capital structure decisions involve selecting an optimum mixture of debt and equity. In this article focused on capital structure of financially distressed and non-distressed stages of Kerala State Public Sector Undertakings under Chemical sector.
Keywords: Financial Distress, capital structure, cash loss, total debt capitalization, SLPEs etc.

Author Information
K. K. Sunil Kumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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