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Attitude of Insurance Executives Towards Increase In FDI Limit a Reference to Private Insurance Sector in India

Issue Abstract


Foreign Direct Investment is the form of controlling ownership in a business enterprise in one country by an entity based in another country. Investment can be made in number of ways either by setting up subsidiary in the host country or by acquiring shares of an overseas company or through a merger or joint venture. FDI is an investment involving transfer of assets including financial capital, advanced technology, management practices, know how etc. as well as provides solution to the economic problems of developing countries and promotes host countries economic growth. India is the third most attractive FDI destination in the world. It provides enormous  opportunities for foreign investment. FDI in India has supported in achieving its financial stability, growth and development India has occupied the 5th position in the category of most attractive location of global FDI. Mauritius is the major investing country in as nearly 40 per cent of FDI inflows came from Mauritius. The other major investing countries are USA, Singapore, UK, Netherlands, Japan, Germany, Cypress, France and Switzerland.
Directing our attention towards the major cities that have been receiving major share of FDI inflows, it is noticed that it is concentrated around two cities
i.e., Mumbai and New Delhi.

Author Information
Selina Ruby
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages