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Social Justice in India a Review

Issue Abstract

This paper is a purely theoretical analysis of social justice. Social justice is a norm placed on the ethical behavior of men in society. Democratic societies like ours adopted it and efforts are being made to attain it by constitutional provisions and planned practices. But, inadequacy towards social justice reflected with prevailing miserable life and
poverty of masses in India. A number of scholars and philosophers contributed in literature on social justice. In spite of these the state of social justice needs a scientific treatment wherein it has to be assessed and the same would be implemented to uplift downtrodden and weaken sections of India

Author Information
Dr. R. G. Jadhav
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


1) Khanna, R 1987: “Social Justice and Equality: A conceptual Analysis”, In Bhatnagar, S. (ed) 1987: Social Justice and Equality in India, ESS Publications, New Delhi. P.P. 11-12
2) Miiller, D. 1976: Social Justice, Clarendon Press, Oxford P.P 20.
3) Mckeon, R. 1963: ”Justice and Equality”, In Friedrich, C. J. and Chapman (ed), Justice Antherton Press, P.P 45.
4) Khanna, R. ob. Cit. P.P. 14-15.
5) Rawls, J 1967: “Distributive Justice”, In phelps, E. (ed), 1973: Economic Justice, Penguin Education, Penguin Books inc. Baltimore, P.P. 319