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Facial Expression Recognition based Restaurant Scoring System Using Deep Learning

Issue Abstract

Food plays an important role in every human being’s life. Taking this as major objective several people are coming up with numerous new restaurants. Many of these restaurants are with less or no staff. Because of this reason, the rating of most of the restaurants is inaccurate. To overcome this problem and give a practical and exact rating to restaurants, this paper presents a Facial Expression Recognition-based Restaurant Scoring System with a pre-trained CNN model. By this model, customers can rate the food as well as the environment of the restaurants in three different expressions (Satisfied, Neutral, Disappointed). For implementing and using this system, we consider an application and server.
Keywords: Automated restaurants, convolutional neural network, facial expression, restaurant scoring, unmanned restaurants

Author Information
Mr. Anumula Srinivas.
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References

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