Corporate social performance (CSP) refers to the principles, practices, and outcomes of businesses‟ relationships with people, organizations, institutions, communities, societies, and the earth, in terms of the deliberate actions of businesses toward these stakeholders as well as the unintended externalities of business activity. In the earliest 20th-century iterations of the concept, CSP (then, social responsibility) was largely thought of as a kind of noblesse oblige, an obligation of powerful corporations to “give back” thus, charitable giving and community service were the principal operational definitions. An assessment of the corporate social performance in India was conducted during May 2018 with a focus group study. The aim of the focus group study is to understand the corporate social performance practices of Indian corporate. It was found from the focus group study that the expectations of society from business include equal employment opportunity, fair wages and salary, no discriminatory and unfair human resource policy, transparency in financial transactions and dealings, a concern for well-being of society and future generation, no misleading and false advertisements, leading by ethics, providing quality products to consumers, etc. Also, 6.Indian Companies need to conduct an opinion survey on their primary stakeholders to understand about their perception and expectations from the company.
Keywords: Corporate Social Performance, Corporate Social Responsibility
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