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A Study on Factors Prompting the Purchase Decision towards Small Cars in Chennai

Issue Abstract

Urbanization and metropolitan culture have necessitated the need of fast foods, designer clothes, luxury cars, modern flats and the like. Passenger car sales have tripled once in a six years. It’s also to be noted that the demand for luxurious models and mini-cars for family owners have shot up, largely due to change in the family and in the earning pattern, especially the emergence of double income group families, has resulted in significant changes in the buying behavior of individuals. Increase in number of car consumers and heavy usage is credited to increasing availability several car models. Due to a wide range of makes and models, people make choices based on their preferences and needs when choosing which car to buy.

Author Information
Hemanth Kumar .S
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Mar 2020
Issue Pages

Issue References

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