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Management of Sales Personnel in Pharmaceutical Industry (The Study Limited to Chennai City)

Issue Abstract

The pharmaceutical industry in India is among the significantly dealt with divisions. This industry expect a basic part in progressing and keeping up headway in the field of overall medication. In light of the proximity of straightforwardness gathering workplaces, educated and skilled work and unobtrusive work power among others, the industry is set to scale new statures in the fields of creation, headway, amassing and inquire about. Pharmaceutical collecting incorporates gathering of equipment and drugs in social protection. Any solution change in pharmaceutical is a genuine and costly strategy. In the field of pharmaceutical, any solution making organization has a business grant to investigate, make, showcase and scatter drugs which are by and large stressed over human administrations.
Keywords: Sales management Pharmaceutical industry, job satisfaction, commitment, propensity, leave, turnover, organization citizenship, etc

Author Information
Mr. C. Chakravarthy
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Aug 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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