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Consumer Awareness and Satisfaction of Using the Eco-Friendly Products in Chennai City

Issue Abstract


The paper concentrates on assessing the awareness level and satisfaction of using eco-friendly products in Chennai city. The study is about environmentally friendly products, specifically on consumer's perception of the products. It has now been a global concern to protect the environment from damage-causing factors triggered by humans. Thus the study shows that many industries have started manufacturing environment-friendly products and doing marketing of the same. This study was done on the basis of primary data. The primary data were accumulated from the sample survey that was conducted in Chennai city. The achievement of producing eco-friendly products is based on whether consumers will agree to the products or not. Consequently, the paper focused on examining the perception of the consumers. Customers discern about the user-friendliness of such items. However, alertness should make appropriate benefits, accessibility, and labels of such things to make bigger its demands. Marketers need to work on strategies promoting eco-friendly products so that more and more people end up buying these eco-friendly products. More and more advertising should be done by the industries as well as the government to change the attitude of consumers toward the eco-friendly products. 

Keywords: Eco-Friendly, Social Responsibility, Planet.


Received : 03rd June 2021 

Accepted : 15th June 2021 

Published : 25th July 2021




Author Information
A. Ezhilarasi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jul 2021
Issue Pages