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A study on Foreign Direct savings in Indian Capital Market

Issue Abstract


A well-developed stock market has its impact on the demand side also. It provides investors with an array of assets with varying degree of risk, return and liquidity. This increased choice of assets and the existence of a vibrant stock market provide savers with more liquidity and options, thereby inducing more savings. Increased competition from foreign financial institutions also paves the way for the derivatives’ market. Foreign institutional investors have gained a significant role in Indian capital markets. Availability of foreign capital depends on many firm specific factors other than economic development of the country. In this context this paper examines the contribution of foreign institutional investment particularly among companies included in sensitivity index (Sensex) of National Stock Exchange also examined the relationship between foreign institutional investment and firm specific characteristics in terms of ownership structure, financial performance and stock performance. In this paper an effort has been made to develop an understanding of the investment decisions in different group of shares in NSE, and behavior of the FIIs in the Indian equity market of last Five years.
Keywords: Economic, Investments, Returns, Institution

Author Information
Madhan. G
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jun 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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