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A study on Speculation Design of the Retail Equity Investors in Chennai City

Issue Abstract


Now a day’s Investment refers to the service of funds to assets with the aim of achieving extra income or growth in rate. Today investors have various beautiful avenues of savings with different features matching their needs, but usually the art of savings is to see that the return is maximized with lowest amount of risk which is expected in all investments. The funds owed by the Indian investors to different investment avenues depend to a large extent on the different investment objectives perceived by them. Investors differ in their model of objectives for investment. The learn examines that the level of significance implicit by the retail equity investors on different investment objectives based on the socio financially possible variables and selective investment profile factors viz., like liquidity, quick gain, capital approval, safety and dividends on different classes of investors based on house, age, sex, marital status, educational background, size of family, members of family, market experience, Monthly family income, type of investor, group of investor, kind of market operation and etc,. Keywords: Speculation Design, Retail Equity, Investors, Chennai City.

Author Information
K. Archana
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References


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