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A Study on Employee's Welfare Facilities in Apollo Speciality Hospital Madurai

Issue Abstract


Wellbeing, security and welfare are the measures of advancing the productivity of representative. The different welfare measures gave by the business will have prompt effect on the wellbeing, physical and mental proficiency, readiness, spirit and general effectiveness of the laborer and along these lines adding to the higher efficiency. The essential propose of representative welfare is to improve the life of workers and to keep them upbeat and directed. Welfare measures might be both statutory and non-statutory; laws require the business to extend certain advantages to representatives notwithstanding wages or pay rates. In the present study an endeavor has been made to think about the worker welfare offices and its effect on representatives effectiveness at Apollo healing center, Madurai The study demonstrate the Employees welfare offices and its effect on workers productivity at Apollo clinic, Madurai seem great. The normal mean score and rate score of the generally speaking of 22 things has been figured at 3.64(66%).It can be presume that the worker welfare offices gave by the organization to representatives are fulfilled and it is exemplary, yet of degree is there for further change. So that proficiency, viability and profitability can be improved to perform the hierarchical objectives.
Keywords: Employee Welfare Facilities; Employee Efficiency.

Author Information
Mr. R. Bhadhri
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Apr 2022
Issue Pages

Issue References


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