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Socio Economic Conditions Women Entrepreneurs in Namakkal District

Issue Abstract


Women Entrepreneurs have been a recent concern. In this New Economic World, the economic growth of a nation completely depends on the involvement of women in the rural development of a nation. Women entrepreneurs accept tough roles to meet their personal needs and become economically independent. In India, there are around eight million women entrepreneurs with which Tamilnadu having the highest percentage. Though the number of women entrepreneurs increasing, still they are facing many problems from various sources. The present paper highlights the Socio-Economic Conditions of the women entrepreneurs in ParamathiVelur and Tiruchengode blocks of Namakkal District of Tamil Nadu. 

Keywords: Women entrepreneurs , Tiruchengode , Economically Independent

Received : 08th December 2021 

Accepted : 15th December 2021 

Published : 25th January 2022

Author Information
D. Sethuraman
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2022
Issue Pages