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V. REFERENCE 1. Flascher, A.B., Gill, A.S., and Shachar, M. (2006). Mitigating stress and burnout by implementing transformational leadership. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.18 (6),469-48 2. Gibbens, N. (2007). Levels and Cau

Issue Abstract

The customer expectations from an automobile industry has created competitive pressure and enriched the industry with attitude, knowledge, flexibility and speed for new challenges and changes. Processes are being streamlined and teams are reorganized and redeployed for higher productivity, enhanced quality, timely delivery and low cost. Together with these changes, companies are looking for ways to plan better and control their operations by shifting away from rigid and preplanned activities to quick response to changes. New Product development management has become a major component of competitive strategy to enhance organizational productivity and profitability. There is a human resource impact for a competitive advantage of new product development management - for speed, for creating an enhanced environment for an interactive role and for breaking the barriers on increasing reliability and dependability of new product and development. There is a demand for talent. There is significant role of the human resources in developing a successful new product. It should ensure right talent at the right time and make it a part of drivers for new product development. The factors that are critical for selecting the right human resource for new product development in automobile industry have been listed and established as important and can be considered during selecting human resource for new product development in automobile industry. A framework has been developed with the factors and links has been established between factors and successful new product development in selected automobile industry. The study is being carried out to identify factors and its relationship which can be used to position the right person, at the right place, at the right time for an automobile industry that undertakes new product development.
Keywords: Human Resources, Resources Factors and Product Development

Author Information
G. Mary Benila
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Oct 2019
Issue Pages

Issue References

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