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Marketing Constraints of Organic Products in Tamil Nadu

Issue Abstract


The present research makes an attempt to investigate the constraints of marketing on organic products in the Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu. Nowadays, every agriculturalist who adopts chemical-free cultivation is facing huge impediments both at the time of cultivation and also to make to the products reach the end users in the consumer market. Adding to this vendors are hesitating to give shelf space for organic products as they are quoted with high prices. Currently, the organic food supply chain market is affected by various factors like lack of infrastructural facilities, high prices, lack of awareness, lack of retailer's support, and lack of Government aid, etc. Further, organic product marketing and its allotment are relatively poor in the entire market. Meantime, the demand for organic goods is peak level in the consumer market. Drawn from the methodology, a total of 67 farm respondents were interviewed using a simple random sampling method in the Nagapatinam district of Tamil Nadu. The infrastructural shortage is the major hurdle faced by the cultivators in transporting their products to various places. A study concluded that the need for entire development like infrastructural facilities like road facilities, transport facilities, remunerative prices for goods, storage facilities, creating awareness to cultivators on how to enhance marketing of merchandising their goods. By and large, chemical-free products should reach and occupy major shelf space among markets on time in order to serve consumers and gain their satisfaction. 

Keywords: Marketing Challenges, organic goods, consumer awareness, Lack of Knowledge, Lack of infrastructural facilities, chemical-free organic food.

Received : 05th January 2022 

Accepted : 15th January 2022 

Published : 25th February 2022

Author Information
K. Sridevi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Feb 2022
Issue Pages