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Study on the Impact of Digitalization of Insurance sector-A Special reference to LIC on Coimbatore city

Issue Abstract

Digitalization has had a significant impact on the insurance sector in India, and LIC has been at the forefront of this transformation. The use of digital technologies has helped LIC to reach a wider audience, reduce costs, and improve customer service. For example, LIC has launched a number of online and mobile-based services, such as e-insurance policies, online premium payments, and claim tracking. These services have made it easier for customers to purchase and manage their insurance policies, and they have also helped LIC to improve its efficiency and reduce its costs.The digitalization of the insurance sector is still in its early stages in India, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way that insurance is delivered. LIC is well-positioned to lead this transformation, and its success will have a major impact on the Indian insurance industry.
Keywords: Digitalization, Insurance sector, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC),

Author Information
Ms. Geetha K S
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Meenakshi Acharya and Dr.C.K. Hebbar, (2016), “Digitalization of Insurance sector: Issues and challenges to an Insurance advisor. In this study explains the earlier model of the insurance industry (personal contact and post cards) and present model of insurance (internet, social media, telephone and SMS)
2. Anshu Arora, (May 2003), “E-insurance: analysis of the impact and implications of E-commerce on the insurance industry,” by this study found current trends within the internet.
3. Dr. Fredrick S. Odoyo, (Nov 2011), “E- insurance: An empirical study of perceived benefits. In this study found and analyze the information and communication technology of private and public insurance sectors.
4. International Association of Insurance Supervisors, (Nov 2018), “Increasing digitalization in insurance and its potential impact on consumer outcomes.” In this study explained the various of digitalization in various countries.
5. Martin Eling and Martin Lehmann, (2018), “The impact of digitalization on the insurance value chain and the insurability of risks.” In this study found the list of digital technologies and its impact the insurer’s value chain.
6. Dr. R. Gokilavani, Mr. D. Venkatesh Kumar, Dr. M. Durgarani, Dr.R.Mahalakshmi (2018), “A study on perception of consumers towards digital payment.” This paper finding the result is most of the customers have moderate level of perception towards digital payment and they satisfy by the user friendly, time savings, convenient, easiness and protection of privacy policy.