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The Impact of Central Bank Digital Currencies in India

Issue Abstract

The Central Bank issued Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) whose function is to support country’s commercial-banking system, financial services of the government lay monetary policy and issuing the currency. India's economy in the world, has obtained many valuable results in the research process of CBDC. 130 countries, representing 98 percent of global GDP, are exploring a CBDC. The study conveys the Types of CBDC, Models of issue and management, forms, technology choice, instrument design and implications of CBDC. The study represent informations and findings from other studies by searching the good policies and risks involved in the process of implementing CBDC in India. The study explains the impact of the introduction of CBDC in India and the implications for other countries.
Keywords: Central bank digital currencies, Indian digital currencies, digital currencies in developing countries, CBDC impact

Author Information
Dr.Y.S. Irine Jiji
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References

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