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Deposit Mobilisation of Scheduled Commercial Banks and its Impact on Indian Economy

Author Information
Navitha. P
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2023
Issue Pages

Issue References

Banson, F. A.-K. (2013). The Role of Mobile Deposit in Deposit Mobilization in Ghana. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 1-18.
S.Ganapathy, Thangam Alagarsamy, Mugesh Kannan Raguraman. (2017). Monetary Mobilization of Commercial Bank with special reference to Eastern Region of India. SAARJ Journal on Banking and Insurance Research, 20-28.
Narayana Maharana, Suman Kalyan Choudhury, Ashok Kumar Panigrahi. (2015). Deposit Mobilization of Commercial Banks: A Comparative Study of BOB and Axis Bank in Bhubaneswar City. Journal of Management Research and Analysis, 195-203.
Rao, N. D. (1975). Deposit Mobilisation by Co-operative Banks A Comparison with Scheduled Commercial Banks. Economic and Political Weekly, 1098-1100.
S.Ganapathy, Thangam Alagarsamy. (2017). Deposit Mobilization of Commercial Banks: A Study with special reference to Southern Region in India. ACADEMICIA An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 5-14.