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A Study on Stress Management among the Employees of Private Sector Insurance Company in Vellore Division

Issue Abstract

The present study titled Stress Management among the Employees of Private Sector Life Insurance has been initiated with the objective of investigating the occupational stress and its impact among the employees in private life insurance company. The stress may be due to any reason at the workplace, will restrict them to perform better in their career. The various suitable techniques and coping mechanisms used to reduce the stress among the employees will also be studied. In recent years, there has been increasing concern over the stress at the work place i.e. Occupational Stress. The marketing environment today is extremely competitive. There are large number of companies including Multi National Companies operating in almost all fields of marketing like Banking, Insurance, Telecommunications, Information Technology and other service sectors. In an effort to meet the challenges / threats posed by all these players, Today‘s Marketer is under tremendous pressure and stress. Coupled with competition, the easy availability of large variety in goods and services enhances the marketer‘s stress. All this about stress accounts for its popularity and importance as a research theme in several disciplines including Medical Science, Neurophysiology, psychology and Business Management. Fundamental utilitarian and academic concerns have produced a number of studies on stress. The concept takes on different meanings depending on the problem under investigation, the methods used and the theoretical orientations and personal preferences of investigations. The outcome of present study helps to understand the cause of stress among the employees of Private life insurance sector, and also reveal the various occupational stresses. It also help to correlate the application of occupational stresses become a common problem in the work places on real time situations.
Key Words: Work place, Occupational Stresses, Private Life insure

Author Information
Dr. TI. M.Swaaminathan
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

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