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Customers' Perception Towards Service Quality of Commercial Banks in Tiruvannamalai District

Issue Abstract

The aim of this paper was to examine the Services Quality of Customers’ Perception in Commercial Banks in Tiruvannamalai District. For this investigation primary data was collected from 120 respondents through a structured questionnaire. It also includes the review of the various services provided by the under the study. Collected data was analyzed according to the objectives of the present research and result of the statistical analysis to compile the result. Hence it is suggested that operator should proactively observe preferences services quality of Customers’ Perception in Commercial Banks with regard to the transaction fee; delivering of ATM card promptly and issue of new cards due to loss of original cards and facilitated modern services in order to retain and satisfied their customers. 

Keywords – Commercial Bank, Services Quality, Perception, Satisfaction, etc.

Author Information
P.Nandhini Devi
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

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