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Quality of Work Life in Coal Industry - A Selected Study of SCCL, Ramagundam

Issue Abstract

Quality of work lifedenotes all the organizational inputs which aim at employee satisfaction and enhancing organizational effectiveness. Quality of Work Life is a process by which an organization responds to employee needs for developing mechanisms to allow them to share fully in making the decisions that design their lives at work.Coal mining is one of the most arduous and hazardous operations as miners are not only exposed to dangers from mining hazards like explosions, inundations, roof falls, noxious gases etc. but also prone to various diseases like pneumoconiosis, mining nystagmus, dermatitis, hook warms and the like. The day-to-day working environment is far from congenial. Below ground, the miner is exposed to perpetual darkness, forced ventilation, water logging, humidity and extreme temperatures. Even above ground, working conditions and other civic amenities are not up to the required level. On the positive side, the company provides all the required facilities as per the Mines Act, 1952 besides making good payments in the form of wages, salaries and other benefits. However, these benefits cannot equate the relentless efforts of employees who work under odd conditions. In view of this, an attempt is made in this article to understand the quality of work life of employees in SCCL of Ramagundam area.
Keywords: Wages, Promotions, Quality of work life, Safety, Working Conditions

Author Information
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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