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Factors Influencing the Investment Culture: A Study of Thalikulam Panchayath

Issue Abstract

Investment culture among the people of a country is an essential prerequisite for capital formation and the faster growth of an economy. Investment culture refers to the attitudes, perception and willingness of the individuals and institution in placing their savings in various financial assets more popularly known as securities. The major objective of investor is to invest in a variety of investments that deliver expected returns and meets the risk preferences. Financial literacy is one of the essential requirements for selecting the best investment option. The present study makes an attempt to examine the various factors influencing the investment culture of people in Thalikulam Panchayath of Thrissur district. It is designed as a descriptive one mainly based on primary data. The profiles of the respondents of the study are examined using the variables like gender, age, occupation, educational status, monthly income, distribution of investment amount. The result of the study reveals that the level of financial literacy, Age and gender of the respondent had a significant positive impact on investment culture.
Keywords: Investment, financial Literacy, Investment Options, investment decision.

Author Information
Krishna M B
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References


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