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A Study on Interrelations Among Service Quality, Customer Perceived Value and Loyalty Intention in E-Tail Service Quality

Issue Abstract

Digital India is a new initiatives launched by our government of India for improving the nation digitally. It creates number of avenues to the business man nationally and globally to do their business virtually without any interruption. In the wake of “Digital India” the e-commerce business is looking for their brighter future in virtual market place. In this competitive environment it is necessary for businessmen to improve their e-services. So, the e-service qualities become apparent to give a best service to the customers/consumers virtually. So, the researcher made this study among college students to identify the relationship among Service quality, customer’s perceived value and Loyalty intention to understand and serve the customers of e-tail. Hypotheses were created based on the previous studies and tested with Pearson correlation and Regression. This study shows that there are meaningful relationships between the two sub dimensions of E-service Quality and Perceived Value. The correlation analysis shows that the Privacy and System availability factors are have low correlation with the perceived value. The perceived value is also having a significant effect on the Loyalty intention of the customers.

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Issue Publish Date
05 Jan 2018
Issue Pages

Issue References

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