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Fintech's Impact on the Banking System in India

Issue Abstract


Technology has changed the world to implausible extents in a fairly short period of time, and it appears that the changes will no way end. Piece meal from significant advancements in computer technology, manufacturing, and telecommunications, the new, technologically advanced period also altered the world of plutocrat. The term Fintech, which stands for fiscal technology, isn't new to the wordbook; it has been in use since 1971. Despite this, numerous individualities are still unfit to grasp the meaning of both the word and the notion. Fintech is being used by multitudinous businesses. This system is used in the banking assiduity. One of the reasons behind the wide use of mobile phones. This composition concludes by agitating the impact of fintech on the Indian banking

Key words- Information technology, digital payment, Mobile phone, fintech, fiscal institutionsetc.,  

Author Information
Dr. Melbha D
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Sep 2024
Issue Pages

Issue References

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