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The study of FDI inflow in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

Issue Abstract

Globalization is one of the most significant happening of our time which plays an important role in the political, economic, environmental, cultural, scientific and technological aspects of a nation. Foreign Direct Investment has a vital role in globalization. FDI had contributed in India’s financial stability and economic growth. Indian economy got a gigantic boost due to the FDI made in different sectors. Indian pharmaceutical industry is considered to have a place of its own due to its capacity to deliver good quality and quantity of generic drugs and medical related products. The purpose of this research is to study FDI inflows in the Indian Pharma sector after the new economic reform. The results show that there has been a tremendous increase in FDI inflow in India since 1991.
Keywords: Globalization; FDI; Pharmaceutical.

Author Information
Dhanya .A
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

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