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A Study on Impact of Globalization on Tribal Livelihoods, Land Alienation and Poverty in Tamil Nadu

Issue Abstract

This arises in particular from looking at the consequence of development efforts from a local-level perspective, making the links from the micro-level, situated particularities of poor people’s livelihoods to wider-level institutional and policy framings at district, provincial, national and even international levels. Such reflections therefore put into sharp relief the importance of complex institutional and governance arrangements, and the key relationships between livelihoods, power and politics. The conventional notion that the growth in the economy powered by secondary and tertiary sector would generate sufficient employment so as to absorb the surplus labour from the primary sector has not happened in the state like many other states in the country. While the conventional indicators of economic growth like the rate of growth of the economy suggests that it has maintained a scorching pace, the growth process has completely left behind a vast majority of its population.

Author Information
M. D. Chinnu
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages

Issue References

1. Kambhampati and parvathi kumar (1993), Sankya – the sacred Doctrine Visakhapatnam:Dhanishta.