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A Study on Borrowing Issues of Tribal Welfare Schemes in Telangana State

Issue Abstract

The Telangana State government is implementing number of welfare schemes for the socio economic development of the tribes to accomplish the inclusive growth in the state. However there are some issues facing by the beneficiaries while accessing the programmes. The present study is an attempt to examine the perceptions of the tribal beneficiaries on borrowing issues in the process of the implementation of the schemes. The beneficiaries are not satisfied with the loan sanction procedure as the beneficiaries are facing borrowing issues of number of times visiting to the officials, long time taken by the government to sanction the loan with lengthy procedures.
Key words: Tribal welfare schemes, borrowing issues, Inclusive growth, Socio-economic development, Governance, Telangana State

Author Information
Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages