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Game Based Learning is an Extremely Effective Learning Tool

Issue Abstract

The development of gaming industry is increasing rapidly, games are not only for entertainment alone it also plays an major role in game based learning. More than half a population world are regular gamers. Video games have become common form of medium for 21st century. Technology is rapidly increasing, digital media tools like virtual lecturing, cloud computing etc are used for learning. But still this is not extremely effective especially for children’s because many applications become not enjoyable when they provide information alone. Thus by combining some entertainment like games makes the application more attractive and more effective. Now education combines with entertainment and it becomes entertainment with the help of gaming. Integrating games in to education has the potential to create more powerful ways to learn in school communities. This papers shows how gaming process is extremely effective in learning process.

Author Information
M.S.Pradeep Kumar
Issue No
Volume No
Issue Publish Date
05 Nov 2017
Issue Pages